Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I went to the funeral home tonight.
I do not enjoy doing that...for lots of reasons.
I never feel comfortable, seems like nothing I say is know?
And frankly, I usually can't get out of there soon enough.

This night a dear, godly friend was being remembered by dozens of people, snaking  their way through the crowded parlor offering love, support, memories.
While I only knew her for a small portion of her life, I did spend several years of Tuesday mornings listening as this friend poured out her love for God, His church (missionaries in particular) and unsaved people...known and unknown. She loved God and loved talking to Him and I loved being a pray-er with her.
She left behind a testimony of years of faithful service to her local church,  her incredible heart and energy for missionaries, and a family filled with believers, some in full time ministry.
And she often quoted this verse.
" Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." - Isaiah 26:3
I will remember her whenever I encounter it. 

I'm thinking, this is part of her legacy.
These memories, convictions, examples that will get passed down from one generation to the next. 
Her present and future family will benefit because of her faith-filled life.

I want this.
I want to leave a testimony of God's greatness and grace for my family. 

I realize that just as the choices I made while growing up set a course for my adult life, the decisions and choices that I make now will take their place in my legacy. 
So I need to be thoughtful, deliberate, prayerful; considering the impact of  my desires and ensuing actions.
I need to stand straight and unwavering, even if alone, in the convictions birthed from God's Word. 
My prayers must plead for more: faith, wisdom, Christ-likeness.
And my heart must beat in cadence with my Lord and Savior.
I want to leave behind the essence of  His grace and His mercy...
and a hint of "Well done My good and faithful servant".

Thank you, Darla.

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