Thursday, January 3, 2013


Did you miss me?
It's been a year since I last "blogged."
I took a break for lots of reasons...most of which are moot at this point. I have had many topics cross my mind and much interest in writing... but I just wasn't ready. So, I guess I am ready now. Not sure if anyone is interested in reading but I am going to write anyway! :)

Lots of things have come and gone with the past 12 months.
I have gained & lost & gained & lost (you get the idea) a few pounds.
I have more Toms and less high heels in my shoe collection and an ever growing assortment of Sevenly shirts.
Some of my "what I want to be be when I grow up" ideas have changed and some have been discarded all together. I am halfway to 52 now... some things just aren't possible at this point. So, I have set aside some redundant, ridiculous, ideas in favor of more lucid, logical choices.
And Lord willing, I will realize a few of them.

My relationships have also ebbed & flowed with the stream of life. I have experienced birth :3 new grand-babies and several wonderful new friendships;  renewal: people who were once a part of my life, back again; and loss: the slight sadness and lingering regret of faded friendships.

But most of all my relationship with My Heavenly Father has lacked consistency and vigor and, I dare say, passion. I have been distracted by myself... and the things with which I am encumbered. Willfully.
I continue to make sinful choices.
I often regret the words that fly out of my mouth.
And I feel the effect of my mediocre attempts to study God Word or spend sparse time with Him in prayer.
But God is faithful, even when I am not.
Throughout this past year, God has taught me so many things about Himself and myself and how He wants me to live.

So as I start this new year, I will shy away from resolutions but embrace some good intentions. (Hey...I know myself!)
I intend to:
 use more of my time to study God's Word.
 read more of these great books on my book shelves.
 encourage others through word & deed (and smiles and cookies and acts of thoughtfulness)
 focus less on what I want to do, be, have and more on what I already do, have, am.
 consider "what would Jesus do?" more & more & more... and act accordingly.

And I intend to indulge in some of the things I love most: "grandma-ing", reading, writing, sewing, photographing, and spending time with people whom I can minister to and love.

Yup. I am back. And I intend to be busy!


  1. I am so excited that you are back. It is funny, but just yesterday I thought to myself. "I wonder if Nanette is going to blog some more!" haha out of the blue!

  2. Gee...Thanks!. This is my version of therapy. :) Anyway, I guess great minds DO think alike.

  3. I have missed you. And I too am returning to blogging. How nice for us both.

  4. I am looking forward to reading!
