Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Not home.

My house is for sale.
We signed papers, they took pictures, measured rooms, put a sign in the yard...
soon my house will be on the internet for all to see.
And I don't like it.

I get that in order to move on, to wherever, we need to sell the house.
But this isn't just a "house".
This has been our home for nearly 20 years.
(Seriously, I weep as I type...which is kinda hard to do...just sayin')

Photographs serve as reminders of all that has passed through this place:
picnics, parties, people...lots and lots of people.
But pictures cannot tell the full story of the dreams, efforts, arguments, drama, milestones, laughter and love that gathered in these walls, circled around campfires, danced like fireflies in the fields.
And it is all still here.
I can feel it.
Lingering in newly painted rooms, caught in the fragrance of apple blossoms, carried in the constant breeze.
I have spent the "prime" years of my life here; caring for family, growing flowers, baking cookies,taking pictures, running miles & miles, writing, reading, enjoying my family, my friends, my life...my house.
This house was a gift from My Heavenly Father and I have happily, joyfully, thankfully, loved it
At one time, all  8 of us called this place home...and shared one bathroom.
Now, 3 bathrooms later, it is time to move on.

And it is going to be all right.
'Cause, actually, this is just a house.
God will most likely give it some one else, if He pleases to.
And, should He desire, He will give me another.
And soon it will be filled with people that I love, things that I enjoy (hopefully big enough for all my books), and eventually, it will feel more like home.
But not really "home".
My place is with My Father in heaven.
And Jesus, my Savior, is  building me a house, not too far from His.
One of these days, He is coming to take me to it.
And then, finally... I will be home.

"Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. 
"In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 
"If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also."  ~ John. 14:1-3


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