I love being a mom.
Being a Grandma rocks too, but mothering is my first love.
I have been a mom for 31 years.
(I know...maybe I should turn"pro", right?!)
It's kinda all I know...I mean, seriously, I have been a mom longer than I have been an adult...or at least "adult like". ; )
But sometimes this mothering journey is hard.
Not in the usual lack of sleep-lack of time-lack of order- lack of privacy in the bathroom way.
Rather hard in the I don't want to do this-I hate to see you hurting-I would take your place if I could way.
And after all these years, and 3 girls (come on...you know they're harder!) I still want to run ahead, reach down and smooth their path, pick up the stones...fling them far away.
Even though I know better.
Somewhere in the summer of '98 God taught me some parenting lessons that I will never forget. And because of His work in my heart, I think am a much better mom...from His perspective. I know that He has a path for my kids to walk that takes them right out from under my care directly into the rest of His perfectly crafted plan for them.
And I am grateful.
But letting them take those first steps out of my reach has always been the hardest.
Watching them get hurt, confused or even lost along the way is hard on a mom.
But I know that God will be there, every step, even when the path disappears into the horizon and I can no longer see them.
I can trust Him to finish what He has started in each of their lives.
So today, I have to let go. I have to allow God to lead and teach and minister as only the Heavenly Father can.
And, by God's Grace, I will continue my attempts to be the mom my kids need me to be, so that God can work His Will in and through them.
I may shed a tear or two along the way.
But that's OK....He is keeping them all in a bottle for me.
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