Friday, January 14, 2011


So, I'm married to MacGyver.
OK, not really. But if I were going to get stranded on an island, I would bring my husband along.
He knows stuff. Practical stuff about how things work and how to improvise and well, you know "Macgyver it".
And he is the source of one of the most profound, life-changing, practical pieces of information I have ever received:
"Righty tighty, lefty loosey"
Seriously. No more "on" when I really wanted "off"...well, you can imagine.

One day I was on the tractor, (yes, I can do farm girl) raking hay, enjoying the warmth of the sun, looking at the clouds and the eagles and the grasshoppers jumping out form under the tractor's wheels...and then I realized  that my hay rows were kinda wavy. And not up to standard. Oops.

My distressed husband offered this bit of advice...
"Find a focal point and keep your eyes on it."
"You mean like that tree down there", I said.
"Yep" he replied, , "just keep your eyes on that tree as you drive and your rows will be straight."
Well, bingo! He was right.
Soon I was using this handy piece of info to cut wrapping paper straight, pizza wedges, all kinds of things...I am not even kidding. I felt liberated.
(Indeed, I am a dork.)

But I was thinking...
Why don't I apply this concept to my life more consistently?
I weave in and out of my days, distracted by time and its constraints, busyness and schedules, the pressures of now and the regrets of before, the needs of people and my lack of grace. All the while frantically looking  for direction and guidance and rest and frustrated by the lack of each.
So many times I find myself back on my knees, confessing to My Lord that I have lost my focus.
Gently He reminds me that I have allowed myself to become encumbered with the cares of this life, taking my eyes off of The Tree; the place where grace flows, mercy is given, rest can be found.
And paths are made straight.

So, I pray, again, for wisdom and mercy and strength and the desire to follow in the path He has laid in front of me...
Trusting, believing, hoping...
and focused.
For now.

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