Friday, December 10, 2010


"Men past forty wake at nights, look out at city lights and wonder:
Why is life so long, and where did I take the wrong turn?" Ed Sissman

I happened upon that quote while reading Mark Buchanan's book on the Sabbath. And I liked it.

I can't really say why. I mean, it doesn't sound very "sovereign God-ish" (and yet I know He is) and it's a tad pessimistic. However, I am drawn to the truth that I find lurking there.

I do look out and over and around and behind. And I do wonder, how did I get here? Was this the "A"plan. Did I miss a turn or alley or something?

A couple of years ago my kids bought me a Garmin for my birthday. Love it!

(By the way, did you know that those have a "bicycle" mode. Yeah...there's a story there.)

Anyway, my favorite thing, besides not getting lost in south Chicago is: "Recalculating"...with a female Australian accent.

And I have heard that a lot. 

Seems that even when I have someone telling me exactly what to do and where to go, I manage to miss a turn or take the wrong exit...or just get lost. 

Perhaps there is a lesson for me to learn from my Garmin. I need to stop. Take time to recalculate my life through the pages of God's word and on my face before Him in prayer and submission to His Will for me.

And believe. Believe that He is good. All the time. And know that I am exactly where He wants me to be. 

No matter what my Garmin says.



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