Cool,crisp, damp morning air; like biting into a honeycrisp
Favorite sweatshirts shielding the slightest suggestion of chill
Weary, weathered leaves spiral to a crunchy carpet strewn with acorns and sweetgum balls
Awww.... yes.
Fall has arrived in East Texas.
And it is good.
revising; signaling for me a rearranging of time to a slower pace;
welcome though temporary.
I have been indulging in some of my favorites: sewing, reading, photography and a little more Grandma time; by far my favorite!
My latest read allowed me into the life of a young wife and mother who is living in end-stage cancer.
Her desire to live bled right into the reality of her prognosis causing her to consider and deliberately prepare for life after she is in heaven.
Beautifully written, wonderfully honest, my soul hung on to her story long after I had turned the last page.
Recently our Pastor taught from 2 Chronicles 26, the story of King Uzziah.
King Uzziah did right in the sight of the Lord and according to verse 5 long as he sought the Lord, God prospered him" and verse 15 "...he was marvelously helped until he was strong (famous)."
King Uzziah was blessed; right up until he wasn't.
Verse 16 "But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly and he was unfaithful to the Lord." And God removed his blessing.
By verse 21 King Uzziah is nothing more than a dead leper.

Last month we gathered in the Smoky Mountains to celebrate our family; all 20 of us.
Cousins ran circles around parents and siblings and grandparents; sprinting down hallways and up staircases, wiggling through secret passageways in our cavernous rental.
We played pool and Balderdash
walked mountain roads and raced go carts.
We ate, we laughed, we danced.
Being surrounded by the people I love most in this world was awesome.
And in a way, legacy.

God blessed this "teenage mom turned grandma" beyond any idea, hope or dream, and today there are six hearts beating for Him and seven more in training, because of Him.
It is my desire to leave a clear path for those who follow; outlined with wisdom and truth and marked with service and humility. Footprints that lead back to Jesus, and knee prints of utter dependence on Him.
As I find myself at the beginning of my autumnal years, I thank my Abba Father for this glimpse into what He has done and what He will do...long after I am gone.
My Legacy.

And King Uzziah?
Matthew Chapter 1 shows that 21 generations after Uzziah, Jesus, the Messiah was born.
God's legacy of mercy and grace.
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